Research Overview 

The Center for 有天赋的研究 conducts research and developing evidence-based curricula to address the social, 情感, and motivational needs of students with gifts and talents as well as developing evidence-based enrichment curricula and opportunities to promote talent development and assure that all students learn something new every day.  

The professors collaborate with many other professionals in the field of gifted studies across the United States. Their research has been published in countless journals, presented at national seminars, published in books, and cited by others. The Center also provides research opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students to ensure the future development in gifted education. The mentorship of the Center’s professionals have participation in the Blazer Summer Research Institute and the opportunities to present at state research conferences. 

Recent Peer-Reviewed 出版物:

斯特恩伯格,R. J., Desmet,呵,. A.福特,D。.绅士,M. L.格兰瑟姆,T.卡拉米,S. (新闻). The legacy: Coming to terms with the origins and development of the gifted-child movement. 鲁普审查.  

绅士,M., Desmet,呵,. A.卡拉米,S.李,H.,绿色,C.选A.Chowkase, A., & 灰色,. (新闻). Gifted education's legacy of high stakes ability testing: Using measures for identification that perpetuate inequity. 鲁普审查. 

Masta,年代. & Desmet,呵,. A. (新闻). Methodological reflections: Teaching and learning the qualitative research process with youth participants. 在K. Clonan-Roy P. N纳. 恶心, & V. Vasudevan (Eds.), Caring and Being There: Complicating Qualitative Research with Youth in School Settings 

Ghahremani, M.纽约州佩雷拉市., Desmet,呵,. A., & 绅士,M. (2021). Students’ Experiences in Summer Enrichment Engineering Courses: An Input-Process-Outcome Model of Collaborative Creativity. Journal of Advanced 学者.   

斯特恩伯格,R, J.Chowkase, A., Desmet,呵,. A.卡拉米,S.,兰迪,J., & 陆,J. (2021). Beyond Transformational Giftedness. Education Sciences, 11(5), 192.   

佩雷拉,N., Tay, J., Desmet,呵,.前田,Y., & 绅士,M. (2021). Validity evidence of the Classroom Practices Survey Revised. Journal for the Education of the Gifted.   

Desmet,呵,. A., van Weerdenburg, M.鲍尔曼,M.霍奇文,L., & 杨,Y. (2021). Validity and utility of the Test of Creative Thinking Drawing Production for Dutch adolescents. Journal of Advanced 学者, 32(3), 267-290.   

李,H., & Desmet,呵,. A. (2020). Parent perceptions of enrichment program course offerings: What about non-STEM courses?. Journal of Gifted/Talented Education, 30(3), 427-451.   

水芹,., Desmet,呵,. A., & 少年,B. (2020). Neighbors helping neighbors: A university and K-12 school partnership. Gifted Child Today, 43, 12-19.  

Desmet,呵,. A.纽约州佩雷拉市., & 彼得森J. S. (2020). Telling a tale: How underachievement develops in gifted girls. Gifted Child Quarterly. 64(2), 85-99. 

Mammadov,年代.十字,T. L., & 病房里,T. (2018). The Big Five personality predictors of academic achievement in gifted students: Mediation by self-regulatory efficacy and academic motivation. High Ability Studies.  

十字架,T. L.十字架,J. R.马马多夫,S.沃德,T., Speirs-Neumeister, K., & 安徒生,我. (2018). Psychological heterogeneity among honors college students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted.  

Mammadov,年代.纽约州赫尔佐格(Hertzog., & 妈妈,R. U. (2018). An examination of self-determination within alumni of an early college entrance program. Journal for the Education of the Gifted.   

十字架,T. L.安德森L., & Mammadov,年代., & 十字架,J. R. (2017). Social and 情感 development of students with gifts and talents. 在J. 罗伯茨,T. Inman, and Robins, J. (Eds.), Introduction to gifted education (pp. 77-95). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.