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  • 非洲研究

    非洲研究, 一门学科, offers an intellectual approach to the study of African people both nationally and globally. 因此, it seeks to provide historically accurate assessments of the roles and contributions of people of African descent to America and to human history. 作为跨学科项目, this minor offers students the opportunity to communicate more effectively across 文化 lines as well as to explore the 社会, 政治, and 经济 reality of the black 经验 in the United States. 除了, the minor encourages creative research, the acquisition of practical 经验s, and the development of intellectual expertise in 非洲研究. 

  • 法国

    法国 is the second most spoken language in the European Union and the seventh worldwide with more than 230 million native and non-native speakers.  It is the official language of 29 countries throughout the globe. College graduates who are proficient in 法国 and who have a deep understanding of the richness and diversity of 法国 and Francophone cultures have many advantages in the 工作force and can pursue careers in education, 人文基础领域, 时尚, 和业务, 仅举几个例子.


  • 营养科学

    Nutritional science is 一门学科 that offers an intellectual approach to the study of nutrition as it contributes to health promotion by primary, 二次, 三级预防. The study of nutritional science provides accurate assessments of the roles of functional foods and nutrients as they affect and are affected by humans’ intellectual, 生物, 心理, 社会, 文化, 环境, 经济, 精神存在. This minor includes the integration of holistic health concepts with alternative and complementary healing practices and contemporary medical regimes. This minor offers students the opportunity to explore research demonstrating the importance of nutritional balance (variety, 适度, and activity) to quality of life and holistic health. The nutritional status of Americans is compared and contrasted to other environments and cultures around the globe. The minor encourages the acquisition of practical 经验s, the development of intellectual expertise in various aspects of nutritional science, and initiation of creative interventions to facilitate and motivate behavioral changes related to nutritional problems and diseases, 比如肥胖, 糖尿病, 心血管病, 癌症, 和骨质疏松症.

  • 在线数据科学

    The 在线 小 in Data Science equips students with essential skills in data analysis, 统计建模, 机器学习, and related computational techniques useful across various disciplines. This program provides a strong foundation in data-driven decision-making, preparing graduates to excel in an increasingly data-centric world.


    • 顾问
    • 数据分析师
    • 数据工程师
    • 运筹学分析师
    • 公共政策分析师
  • 心理学

    A minor in psychology can be an excellent academic supplement to many majors at bet365亚洲官网 or if a student wants to apply to graduate school in psychology. Please contact the department for assistance in selecting courses most appropriate for your needs.

    To complete a minor in 心理学, 1101年心理学 is required along with 15 additional hours of PSYC courses. All courses selected for the minor must be completed with a grade of “C” or better, 心理学辅修的平均绩点是2.50或以上. At least 9 of the 18 hours must be taken at 365bet中文.

  • 西班牙语

    西班牙语, 罗曼语, 西班牙的主要语言是什么, 墨西哥, and most countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean. It is the second most spoken language worldwide as well as in the United States. Fluency in 西班牙语 is an invaluable tool for those living and 工作ing in the United States and abroad. 365bet中文 students who are proficient in 西班牙语 have numerous advantages in the 工作force and can pursue a number of careers in areas such as teaching, 笔译和口译, 卫生保健, 社会服务, 法律与执法, 和更多的.


    • 双语教育
    • 双语评税主任
    • 业务经理
    • 海关/移民官
    • 外国新闻记者
    • 了解更多职业
  • 妇女与性别研究

    A 妇女与性别研究 (WGST) minor prepares students for life, 工作, 服务于21世纪. Students learn from women’s history, 女权主义理论, 性别分析, how 性别 as a form of 文化 identity shapes human thought, 经验, 期望和互动. Courses in the WGST minor focus on the historical and contemporary 经验s of women as well as other populations vulnerable because of race, class, 性别, or sexual identity often regarded in the mainstream as unconventional. Employers and graduate schools are actively seeking candidates who understand the positive value of diversity. 校友 minors report many practical applications of what they learn in their WGST course工作, 现场工作, service learning projects and internships.