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August 15, 2013

University Launches IDEA Center to Create Enhanced Academic 社区

VALDOSTA--Finding an innovative approach to enhancing teaching, 研究, 而服务只是365bet中文新成立的IDEA中心(创新设计提升学院)整体使命的一部分。.

Centrally located at 102 Georgia Ave., IDEA中心为教职员工提供了一个学术社区成员聚会和分享经验的场所,以改善课堂教学, develop leadership skills, examine 研究 opportunities and explore different possibilities.

IDEA中心的计划是通过教师卓越计划的工作制定和实施的, which included faculty, 工作人员 and administrators.

"Faculty have always wanted a place to gather," said Dr. Sheri Gravett, assistant vice president for Academic Affairs. “卓越教师计划的成员努力将合适的环境结合起来创造空间."

在过去, faculty development activities have been offered through various programs and departments; however, 显然需要一个更加协调和集中的方案.

"The committee did amazing work, not just with their own ideas, but they used surveys as well as planned and organized focus groups with faculty, 工作人员, administrators and graduate students," said Gravett.


 In addition to the physical space, IDEA中心为教学创新拨款提供资金,以学生在课堂上的参与度和表现为目标. 学院成员应邀就旨在提高教学质量的项目提出建议, 有效性, and experience of college students. 此外,政府亦会拨款加强教学,以协助教师获得外部资助机会.

Dr. Kathleen Lowney, professor of sociology, 担任驻校研究员,并在过去的几个月里与被选中接受教学补助金的教员一起工作.

"They are from so many disciplines, 看到社会科学以外的学科如何涵盖类似的概念和理论,以及它们如何解决教学上的困难,已经让我对自己的教学有了更多的思考, about finding more examples to reach students from many disciplines," said Lowney, who received the 2013 Regents Teaching Excellence Award. “我期待着从我作为驻校研究员的所有互动中成为一个更好的老师."



"When we [faculty] tell those stories, we construct how we feel about our profession, 我们的学生, our disciplines, 听着, 真正倾听, 听听这些故事,听听他们对我们的教学策略的看法,这能激励我们," said Lowney.

Lowney, along with IDEA Center fellows Dr. Karla Hull, Department of Curriculum, Learning and Technology; Dr. Larry Hilgert, Department of Psychology and Counseling; and Dr. 佩吉Moch, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 将担任教师导师,并协助促进领导小组和教学圈.


“我们将每周为那些需要在校园里专注于写作的教师提供一个‘和我们一起写作’的时间," Lowney said. “If they need a place to go if the campus office is too busy or little ones are at home. Sometimes that synergy may help motivate."

A tenured member of the faculty, Lowney recognizes that teaching is an evolving process.

“我们都认识到,现在的学生与我们还是本科生时已经不同了——不同并不意味着‘不好’,而是指技术的可用性, the economic necessities of working, sometimes several jobs, 是否经常以我们大多数人没有或没有同样程度感受到的方式对我们的学生施加压力,” said Lowney, who serves as editor of Teaching Sociology, a pedagogical journal. “因此,我们对学生的了解可以帮助我们轻松地布置作业,既挑战学生的智力,又发挥他们的技术优势."


“总的来说,我们第一年的两个主要目标当然是鼓励和加强教学,这有助于留住学生,并帮助教师获得晋升和终身教职," said Lowney.

Later this year a community component will be added to the IDEA Center mission.

"We believe that the IDEA Center can benefit not just bet365亚洲官网 but our community. 看待弗吉尼亚州立大学的一种方式是,它是瓦尔多斯塔-朗兹社区和我们地区的一个社区," said Lowney. “我们在弗吉尼亚州立大学有理论和实践知识与这些社区分享, but they have much to share with us."

社区伙伴关系将联合有想法的机构和企业,寻求教师合作伙伴进行研究和分析数据, 同时也为企业提供了一个与教师分享专业知识的机会, who can in turn share with students within the classroom.

“如果IDEA中心可以成为如何加强社区和培养具有公民意识的终身学习者的想法的孵化器, then we have met one key part of our mission," said Lowney.

除了促进提高学生保留率和教师的专业发展, the center will serve as a valuable tool to recruit and 保留 new faculty.

“当然,拥有IDEA中心可能是新教员决定来弗吉尼亚州立大学的一个因素," said Gravett. IDEA中心不仅会提供活动来支持教师和学者的角色, but it also provides opportunities to participate in or learn from innovative projects. 最后, 它还可以提供一个社交空间,使他们能够与来自校园各地的教职员工见面."

For more information, visit the IDEA Center website www.瓦尔多斯塔.edu/academics/idea-center/.


Implementation of the plan’s five goals, along with their accompanying objectives and strategies, 支持bet365亚洲官网的机构使命和佐治亚大学系统对综合性大学的使命.

The story above demonstrates bet365亚洲官网's commitment to meeting the following goals:

Goal 1: Recruit, 保留, and graduate a quality, diverse student population and prepare students for roles as leaders in a global society.


Goal 4: Foster an environment of creativity and scholarship.

Goal 5: Develop and enhance Valdosta State’s human and physical resources.

访问 http://bwcx.dongfangliye.com/administration/planning/strategic-plan.php 了解更多.



