婚姻家庭治疗 (MFT) program offers junior and senior undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in a face to face clinical undergraduate internship. 的 internship provides hands-on experience for students as they learn what it means to work with families, 个人, 夫妻, and children by  participating in our consultation teams at FamilyWorks我们的家庭治疗诊所.

的 clinical undergraduate internship is offered face-to-face in the 秋天, 春天, & 夏季学期. This experience allows students to watch live therapy sessions as well as participate in other clinical opportunities. 的 face-to-face Summer semester internship offers a little more flexibility allowing students the choice to participate for the entire summer semester (June-July) or for one month (June or July).

For more information or if you have questions, contact:

Dr. 詹妮弗·兰伯特-舒特(jjshute@dongfangliye.com, 229-245-4323)

  • Current GPA *an overall GPA of 2.7 on all attempted course work or 3.0 or higher for the last two years is required to be an intern at FamilyWorks
  • Minimum of 60 credit hours completed when you start the internship
  • Interview with the MFT Faculty
  • Demonstrate professionalism and the ability to follow ethical guidelines
  • A willingness to collaborate with and learn from others
  • Be enrolled in a 1 credit course, MFTH 7650: MFT Clinical 本科 Internship. 的 course meets one day a week for an hour and is scheduled based on student's availabilty.

  • Watch weekly live therapy sessions
  • Participate in treatment team meetings
  • Participate in reflecting teams
  • 实践临床技能
    • 撰写案例笔记
    • 使用基因图谱
    • 驾驭道德场景 
    • 进行案例展示
    • 读 & 讨论临床文章
  • Have the opportunity to talk with current graduate students about the graduate school application process (application, 面试, 写作样本, 等.)
  • Learn what Marriage and Family 的rapists do, where they work, 等.

Virtual Information Session


To apply click on the following link: Application for MFT Clinical 本科 秋天 & 春天. To see the exact due date please click on the application link.


Face to Face Course: 的 class counts as a 1 credit hour course. 的 成本 will be the in-state tuition fee for 1 credit hour, plus technology and institutional fees. (链接到学费页面) Tuition And Fee Schedule Click Here



在夏季学期, we offer a flexible schedule which allows students to choose to attend the internship for one month (June or July) or for the entire summer semester (June-July). Please note the summer internship is ONLY offered as a hybrid course. To see exact dates possible, please click on the application link. 

If one chooses the hybrid option, the 1 credit course will be offered online. 然而, 谘询小组, where the intern can observe live therapy cases are only offered face to face. 的 teams meet one day a week from 12-7 for the entire summer semester. Interns can choose how often and for what duration they would like to attend. 

For more information, please contact Jennifer Lambert-Shute at jjshute@dongfangliye.com

To apply click on the following link: Application for MFT Clinical 本科 Internship Summer  


的 Course counts as a 1 credit hour online course. 的 成本 will be the total in-state tuition for 1 credit hours. (链接到学费页面) 学费费用

Note: A waiver of select mandatory fees may be granted to students enrolled solely in practicum experiences or internships/externships located at least 50 miles from 365bet中文. For a copy of the form, please email Dr. 詹妮弗·舒特@ jjshute@dongfangliye.com 或者点击这个链接: 弃权书按此

非vsu学生信息: As a non-bet365亚洲官网 student you will have to apply for transient status at bet365亚洲官网. After a student has been accepted the following will need to be completed:

  • Meet with our academic advisor to discuss the steps you will need to follow at your own institution to be a transient student at bet365亚洲官网.
  • Complete an application (This will be emailed to you once you have been accepted.)
  • A letter of transient permission from UF. This can be official from the 注册商 or an email from your advisor saying you have permission to take a course at bet365亚洲官网.
  • A copy of your driver’s license (this is for 验证 of Lawful Presence purposes).